Hearthlist Digest #408 - Monday, February 7, 2000
Majco goes to Canada
  by "Noel Gilmore" <[email protected]>
Majestic Rumor Mill
  by "Craig Issod" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Majco goes to Canada From: "Noel Gilmore" <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 14:40:53 -0500   So am I the only Majco/VC dealer who didn't know that they were moving all operations to Canada over the weekend? Gosh, it seems so....Big Brother-ish, doesn't it?   Noel Gilmore Autumn Moon Fireplaces    
(back) Subject: Majestic Rumor Mill From: "Craig Issod" <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 14:48:07 -0500   The rumor mill says a bunch more of the Majestic sales and marketing staff are losing their jobs, and a few "lucky" ones get to move to Canada.   I've never seen a company go through top-notch employees so fast! And, I don't think their stock has returned much to investors in the last year or more. Hmmm, maybe the two are related...   I just have a hard time understanding this short term view of business. Any company that thinks people HAVE to purchase from them is making a big mistake. It will be interesting to see how the ongoing Majestic saga plays out now that Y2K is over. ------------------------------------------------------ Craig Issod HearthNet at http://www.hearth.com [email protected] Everything your Hearth Desires ------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------------------