Hearthlist Digest #129 - Saturday, April 4, 1998
Trade Show Length
  by <[email protected]>
Re: Hearthlist Digest #127 - 04/02/98
  by <[email protected]>
Re: Education
  by "Ajaenglish" <[email protected]>

(back) Subject: Trade Show Length From: [email protected] Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 21:50:49 -0400   >Larry James wrote: Am I the only one, or does the trade show getting shorter this year instead of longer make sense?................... Can we get some responses posted to Hearthlist on other's opinions to see if anyone else felt the same? >>>>>>>>>>>   Ditto Larry>>> not only is the show getting larger, I am getting slower, and there are more people I only get to see once a year >>>> let alone have time for all of the new product... classes and meetings. We should copy the HVAC and or the mass merchant Trade Shows...... we might as well make our new brothers in the (gas) Hearth Field feel at home. Kg-one ___________________________________ Visit the Emporium Let Us Lite Up Your Hearth & Your Home http://www.weyrkeep.com/lhc 1-888-295-FIRE -------------------------------------------------------------- " Dragons Breathe Best Together Forge a Stronger Fire" ____________________________________          
(back) Subject: Re: Hearthlist Digest #127 - 04/02/98 From: [email protected] Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 22:36:04 -0400   Hey Rod Poplarchick- Thanks for the kind words. Don't worry, you'll see me again, as will the rest of the Hearth professionals in California. My flame still burns strong. As for your question in reference to pellet hopper mantels look on page 811 of your AES catalog. You can choose a variety of tile colors and wood finishes. Contact me or call AES directly. Best Regards, Jay Hanson      
(back) Subject: Re: Education From: Ajaenglish <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 14:22:59 -0400   As we all talk about our reactions to the HPA show, I'd like to add just a few.   The education sessions are excellent, perhaps the most important part of the show for many of us. Some of the sessions lend themselves to the amount of time given, but some need much more time. I was able to attend just two sessions, The House As A System and What About Chimneys; neither was long enough to do the topics justice. I want to learn more, but, like all of you, I find myself too busy to study on my own.   There are many people who aren't able to attend the show, but could benefit from the education sessions. The video courses have begun to address the situation, but more could be done.   I'm curious to know if there would be any interest in distance education courses (from correspondence, to video, to interactive television to interactive, on- or off- line computer courses) to give a little structure to those of us who would like to learn more. The cost to develop distance education courses varies with the type of course and the subject matter, but something could be done at a reasonable cost. Note what we can learn just using the Hearthlist Digest.   Thanks to all for making such a great show.   Gail English, Vancouver, WA