Terms and rules

  • Active since 1995, Hearth.com is THE place on the internet for free information and advice about wood stoves, pellet stoves and other energy saving equipment.

    We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues.

    We promote the EFFICIENT, RESPONSIBLE, CLEAN and SAFE use of all fuels, whether renewable or fossil.
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The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content ("Content"). Content posted express the views of their author only.

You agree to not use the Service to post or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

We may send out occasional emails to our members - but rarely more than twice per year and we do not sell or otherwise transfer email addresses or member information to any third parties.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content posted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service or via any media channels now known or later developed, without notice.You retain copyright over the Content.

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members. Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

Please reads our Forum Rules (thread at the top of the Hearth Room, in the Wiki and in the FAQ)

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use this Service. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.