An Observation on Mystery Heat Flow

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Dec 5, 2005
Sand Lake, NY
I couldn't figure out why one zone's supply was warmer than the other when both zones were on while running off the tank.
It seems that the 1/2" makeup water piping I added to the return side of the boiler protection valve for easier system filling is the culprit. Return water flowed around the valve, up the bypass line and to the supply. When I turn that valve off, voila, the zone supply temperatures equalized, and when I turn it back on it's back to badness.

I'm tickled that I was able to solve the issue with no cutting of pipe!
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That doesn't make sense. If your feed water is admitting cold or "new" water into the system, the pressure would be rising....or are you not referring to actual system fill water?
Yes. In my terminology makeup water=fill water. No new water is being admitted, but the small line I added around the thermomix valve allowed flow around the valve.
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