are those beanbag or friction mounts for GPS's

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Feeling the Heat
Hearth Supporter
Sep 23, 2008
got an older Nuvi
dang thing wont stay on the suction cup on the windshield.... I need all the help I can yall
If I could find my smart phone I wouldnt bother ... then I could use mapquest...
if I know where I might go before leaving home I print out "mapquest"
well anyway
I now see "on line" those footed called friction or Beanbag mounts. for the GPS
anyone have them and do they really hold the Nuvi in place etc??? also do you have to get the specific ones or do generic ones work as well. Like from same Wallys world. if they have them????
also if anyone has the GPS cases (zippered cases)... like seen on Ebay..... do they hold all the accessories???
thanks yall
I've had the bean bags before on my Garmins, and I also have one for my older Nuvi, but I don't use it. I use an air vent mount that I bought on eBay. It works fine.
They work unless you drive it like you stole it!
I much prefer to hardwire mine in and mount semi permanently to the car. It always stays put and turns on and off with the ignition. no wires visible. few hours work yet minimal expense, but way worth it.
thanks yall
. I watched some you tubes... but the authors dont usually do a RE -Review or update..
Learn more from the commments of you tubers sometimes
Ours has worked fine. The dash has a nice flat area in the center that it sits on.
I threw away the suction cup on my first garmin GPS and got a beanbag. I wouldn't use anything else. We like to remove ours from the dash and hide it when parked in a public place.
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