Firewood Moochers

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Hey Chad, I think there's a lot of good advice here. I've had people inquire about mine and hadn't really given it much thought but your situation shows how easy this could get out of hand. I like the idea about having a supply of odds and ends available for others and leaving a hands off policy on the split and stacked wood. Something I've done in business that you could also apply here would be that when the odd stuff is gone there is no more until you get some and then you'd be happy to call them. Another message I liked was to get them to help you out. You could tell them that's the way they can pay you back, but that could backfire-they might think since they're helping, they should be able to help themselves. Thanks for bring this up, I'm going to be head of the game when someone thinks, oh, look at all that wood, mind if I take some for my firepit. I think what I'll do is say, I don't want to get into the stacks, but I'm going out "blank" come along and we'll cut you some, you should be able to get plenty."
my father in law wants to constantly mooch firewood from me so last year I told him it's not free. I explained my time, saws, splitter, ect arent free and if he will halep split and stack I'll share some wood. He now helps a few days a year and he gets probably half a cord from me...the real positive is that He loves the odd pieces and long ones. He has a vogelzand boxwood stove and can burn really long and funny shaped pieces.
Clarkbar2311 said:
my father in law wants to constantly mooch firewood from me so last year I told him it's not free. I explained my time, saws, splitter, ect arent free and if he will halep split and stack I'll share some wood. He now helps a few days a year and he gets probably half a cord from me...the real positive is that He loves the odd pieces and long ones. He has a vogelzand boxwood stove and can burn really long and funny shaped pieces.
Ahhh a happy ending!
jeff_t said:
Ya everybody thinks I got more wood than I can possibly burn before it rots. They couldn't believe that huge pile disappeared over the winter.

Sister in law is up here for the week. She saw my 2 year supply and said "wow, that much wood must last you 5-6 years"! Uh, nope. I put up 2 fingers (no, not a double finger salute). Should have seen the look on her face.
Next time someone wants to "borrow" some wood, just tell 'em you just need to "borrow" some of their propain (did that on purpose) or nat. gas, and see what the reaction is.
Black Power

Drill split, pour powder, tamp powder, tamp sawdust, place split where YOU know where it is in the pile.


Ok, kidding. Maybe?
Hi -

I like the "Decoy pile" idea!

I actually get a lot more folks hinting around but not asking outright. I keep a few modest piles on site that are mainly silver Maple, Sassafras, Smallish Elm, Linden, etc... It's stacked, and small enough that anyone could split it. I offer this wood on a 'take it if you need it" basis. It goes quite slowly. Cash deals I give pretty decent discounts on and they get Ash!
jeff_t said:
Ya everybody thinks I got more wood than I can possibly burn before it rots. They couldn't believe that huge pile disappeared over the winter.
+1- Even my friends who burn still order their loads of wet wood in the fall to burn that season. And they think I'm crazy!
Beowulf said:
Black Power

Uhh- right on brother?

If you call them up and tell them "Sorry, but I can't give away any more wood this year. If I do, then I won't have enough to actually heat my house", then it might drive it home what it's there for.
Time to split and stack some willow right next to the driveway...
I've never had anyone roll up on my sh_t and straight up jack it.

But I do get quite often "I need some firewood" which I effing hate. As one who never pays for firewood I consider finding the "score" to be 90% of the work so no effing way am I going to go hunting firewood for someone else. My usual reply is "You find the wood and I'll help you cut and haul it" So far no one has taken up this offer.
Leave several large 2'-3' or so diameter rounds of knarly oak/hickory/elm around your wood pile and tell them you never got around to splitting them and they could have them if they want. Point to the axe/maul and tell them to go at it. Watch the maul jump off the rounds a few times, they give up and leave while you're grinning from ear to ear.
Adios Pantalones said:
Beowulf said:
Black Power

Uhh- right on brother?

If you call them up and tell them "Sorry, but I can't give away any more wood this year. If I do, then I won't have enough to actually heat my house", then it might drive it home what it's there for.

Good point. I wonder what these same people would think if you went to their house and started sucking heating oil out of their tank.
We had a long, cold winter in Texas last year. I thought I had a two year supply of wood but didn't quite have enough for the last, late cold spell. I had been visiting with my neighbor down the road and he had talked about having so much wood that he was hauling it to Houston and giving it away. Plus, he had some very large, down water oak logs laying around and his wife was tired of them and wanted them moved. So I asked him for one of those logs. We had to cut it in half in order for my 8N tractor to lift it onto the trailer. That one log gave me about half a chord, split. He also gave me a tailgate load of split wood.
The next day, I sneaked a case of Miller Light into his work shed and I'll be carrying some splits to him next winter. Friends help each other out. Moochers are just out for themselves.
A ring of bear traps around your stacks might help.
I've only been asked for wood twice in 20 years, by a welfare gentleman. Gave him a cord each time.
A few friends gave him some wood those two years too. He had been laid up and didn't scrounge enough for himself.
I go through 12 cord myself - so I can relate to the uneducated burner that my wood pile looks like I couldn't get through it all in 1-2 seasons!
But I educate them quickly, before they can ask.
My son has an excellent fire pit stack - about 1/4 cord of balsam fir, poplar and a few pieces of white birch. They can "borrow" from his stack if they get his permission.
Happy burning (your own wood, please!).
show them a couple of big rounds of elm and the maul tell them they are free to split it and take it camping
I always try to be as generous as I would hope other people would be. I haven't been asked. But there are a few friends I would let them take what they want because I know it will eventually come back to me in other forms of help. They are the same friends I would not hesitate to ask help me split or cut or gather.

On the other hand, I can sympathize with those who get "moochers", and if those moochers are counted among your friends I pity you.

Round here even if it was an old granny who would never be able to help me cut and split, I can rest assured there will be a fresh apply pie delivered sometime in the fall. I live in a great area I guess.

If I ever have a problem with moochers I think I would put up a specific wood crib as my "for sale" crib and offer whatever price I felt would either give me lots of cash or prevent me from working too dearly for other's cheap enjoyment.
My son laughs at me and calls my wood stack "Your Precious". But I am smarter than he is. I never miss a chance to do a neighbor a small favor with some wood. It pays in the long run.
tnroadkill said:
show them a couple of big rounds of elm and the maul tell them they are free to split it and take it camping

Our church keeps some rounds on hand. When people come looking for hand outs they are asked to split some wood with maul etc. It really weeds out the bums just looking for something for nothing. Specially since we are not far from the interstate!
My sister tried mooching off my pile for her camping trips. I told her to drive around and find some pallets, and I'd go with her my truck and show her how to cut them up. That way she's not transporting bugs (as long as the pallets are kd) and she'd have no problem getting it lit. Her response is the same as most peoples: "Well I really meant just give me the wood".

Then last year she decided to get smart and buy 1/4 cord from me @ $50. Enough for the season and she could give a little to the neighbors. I came home to find she borrowed a friend's pickup and she tried driving across my lawn to my woodpile, spinning her tires and sliding into the woods on a slope. It was one of those moments when you really don't believe its happening because no one could really be that stupid.
Hard to believe someone could be that stupid,and that inconsiderate.
She probably brought the truck back with some damage too.
I decided to skip a step this year with my father in law. I had about a 1/2 cord of rounds that were all less than 12" in diameter and most being around 8" . They will almost fit marvelously in his boxwood stove. He'll burn anything, doesn't listen to me about dryness, ect.. so I figured screw it. I'm not going to waste my time splitting and stacking this stuff. I told him to come and get it as is. It will have been cut down for about 9 months when he'll start burning it.

BTW the stove is is his distant unattached garage. When he does have a chimney fire no one will be nearby.
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