Older Husky saw doesnt like warm weather

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Jul 11, 2008
Northern NH
My old Husky 042 used to be fine in the winter but hated summer operation as it got older. In the summer it starts up but once it has cut for awhile it stalls and then it has a tough time starting. Eventually it gets to the point where it will not run until it sits and cools.

I replaced it with a newer saw and gave this to my brother and his level of frustration is high.

Near the end when I used it I found that I could readjust the mixture screws for summer and it was better but never great. Sounds like the saw heats up and gets vapor lock? He brought it to the dealer and had it serviced but it didn't help it.

Any suggestions?
First thing is to narrow down whether the problem is primarily about fuel, air or spark. Make sure the air filter is clean. When it stops working, pull the spark plug and see what it looks like. Is the electrode wet with fuel? Is it black with carbon, white from running lean, or nicely brown? Check whether it's got good, solid spark when the saw is hot.
Thanks, when I get my hands on it, I will do the checks.
Don't know about your particular saw, but many newer saws have a plate or switch that directs hot cylinder air to the carburetor box, for winter use.
I just worked on a chainsaw the other day with the same problem you are having. Owner had used it for years in winter setting.
Worth checking.
i am currently dealing with the same thing. i brought it to the shop, in hopes that they could help me out.... it started fine, then eventually would die off...
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