Ready for the new burning season

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Oct 11, 2015
Hudson Valley, NY
Well, I just pulled on the trigger for this years stash. It feels like 100 degrees outside so why not buy pellets. I went with 4 tons of Hamer Hot Ones and 3 tons of Barefoot. I hope they don't disappoint me this year. I get my delivery in October.
Well, I just pulled on the trigger for this years stash. It feels like 100 degrees outside so why not buy pellets. I went with 4 tons of Hamer Hot Ones and 3 tons of Barefoot. I hope they don't disappoint me this year. I get my delivery in October.
burning Hamers for 1st time also this winter..
No pellets yet for me. Wish Easy Heat pellets were a good pellet. Rural King has them for $179 a ton but I hear they are one of the worst pellets.
No pellets yet for me. Wish Easy Heat pellets were a good pellet. Rural King has them for $179 a ton but I hear they are one of the worst pellets.

Yes, but you have a Harman, there're supposed to burn anything, so why not try them? If I had a Harman, I'd buy them.
Easy Heat pellets are one of the dirtiest/ashy pellets I have burnt! Not alot of heat output either. I try to stay above the 8000 btu point with the pellets I burn. I don't care if the pellets are dirty/ashy as long as they put out the heat. I rate Easy Heat right down there with Indecks and TSC's generic stuff.
Well, I just pulled on the trigger for this years stash. It feels like 100 degrees outside so why not buy pellets. I went with 4 tons of Hamer Hot Ones and 3 tons of Barefoot. I hope they don't disappoint me this year. I get my delivery in October.

Are you expecting a cold winter or stocking up ?

Well, I just pulled on the trigger for this years stash. It feels like 100 degrees outside so why not buy pellets. I went with 4 tons of Hamer Hot Ones and 3 tons of Barefoot. I hope they don't disappoint me this year. I get my delivery in October.
Around here that would cost $1750. Avg $250 a ton
EASY HEATS have a nickname..
otherwise known as OLE ROY'S..

Yea, but the Harmaniacs on this place swear that Harmans burn and get heat from anything. At least that's what they say.
Yea, but the Harmaniacs on this place swear that Harmans burn and get heat from anything. At least that's what they say.
It's all about the leftover Ash more than the heat.....
even crappy pellets will give you heat with most? stoves but the amount of Ash those crappy pellets leave is pertinent..
many brands on the lower quality end will give you a dirty burn with lots of ash due to what the pellets are made from.
I have a Harman and I have noticed a major difference in my stove and my exhaust pipe since I switched to better grades of pellets, spacifically good softwoods..... not nearly the amount of ash or residue that I used to get with many of the Home depot stock.. but, they all produced heat with the Harman.Even Stove chows.... I assume lot of it is the Harman pre-set air mix ratio[ this in itself can be an issue as many manual air adjusting stoves are human error and just not set correctly by the owner ] and my personal view, that having an OAK is key to a good hot burn. Also more to your post point, harmans bottom feed auger system allows the burning of long pellets which will jam or dam up many top loading or drop down systems.
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