
Now it's time to make the pellets. New England Wood Pellet runs three pellet mills, which can provide 12-15 tons an hour of output in total. The pellet mills take the clean, dry sawdust and compress it - using no additives - into pellets which range from 1/4" to 1 1/4" in length. The pellets are held together by the heat created when they are compressed at high pressures. This heat releases some of the resins in the wood which then act as binders.



The picture above is part of the tour of New England Wood Pellet in Southern NH. This factory produces premium wood pellets to be used as solid fuel in pellet stoves, pellet inserts and pellet boilers and furnaces. Some popular brands of Pellet stoves are Harman Pellet Stoves, Avalon and Lopi Pellet Stoves, Countryside Magnum Pellet Stoves and CountryFlame Pellet stoves.

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