Hi I'm new to site but am wondering if anyone can point me in right direction. It is difficult to find info. On such an old stove. The stove is a 97 englander 25pdv. I'm having trouble with the burn pot filling with ash and clunkers. It seems like the stove is getting plenty of air to burn pot...runs great for about eight or nine hours with a bright active flame. After this time I have to scoop out burn pot. Has to be done around twice a day. Does not matter what the feed rate setting is at. It looks like the problem is it is not getting enough air under pellets to eject ash once they are burnt. The flame is fine until ash builds up and new pellets continue to build up in the pot since the ash isn't getting ejected to the sides(this stove does not have an ash pan). Is this just a bad burn pot or wear plate design for this year? I see the later burn pot has many more air holes in wear plate and bottom of burn pot to allow more air under pellets. Any info would be greatly appreciated as I don't have money to replace the stove and would like to keep this one going. I have checked the door, glass and hopper gaskets. Stove and vents have been thoroughly cleaned. Combustion blower removed and cleaned. Not sure how old the exhaust blower actually is on this stove but if it's burning fine till the ash build up I was assuming the motor is running up to speed. Has an oak installed. Control panel has been updated to digital one at some point in the past. If I change the low burn air settings it does not help eject ash out of pot on settings one and two. Thanks, Jason.