425 gallon bladder storage tanks

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Hearth Supporter
Nov 20, 2008
NE Wisconsin
I've got my system set up with 2000 gallons of vertical storage ( two 1000 gal LP tanks ) and a 250 gal expansion tank. I'll start a separate thread on that.

For the guys that are interested in a storage system, I do have a set of industrial water pressure tanks that I'll be parting with. These would have taken up a lot more floor space and been harder to get the kind of stratification I can get with the 16' tall tanks I'm using. Right now they are just occupying space behind my barn and need to go away.

These are Amtrol Well-X-Trol model WX-456 tanks. 422 gallon acceptance volume, 48" dia x 7' tall. Rated at 125 psi and the bladders are rated to 240 degrees. List price on these are $18k, so they are not cheapies if you had to buy them new.

Let me know if you can envision a use for them. they are going to be sold for a fraction of what they are worth.
[Hearth.com] 425 gallon bladder storage tanks
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Nice tanks !
I've got my system set up with 2000 gallons of vertical storage ( two 1000 gal LP tanks ) and a 250 gal expansion tank. I'll start a separate thread on that.

For the guys that are interested in a storage system, I do have a set of industrial water pressure tanks that I'll be parting with. These would have taken up a lot more floor space and been harder to get the kind of stratification I can get with the 16' tall tanks I'm using. Right now they are just occupying space behind my barn and need to go away.

These are Amtrol Well-X-Trol model WX-456 tanks. 422 gallon acceptance volume, 48" dia x 7' tall. Rated at 125 psi and the bladders are rated to 240 degrees. List price on these are $18k, so they are not cheapies if you had to buy them new.

Let me know if you can envision a use for them. they are going to be sold for a fraction of what they are worth.
.View attachment 183388

Hello 700renegade,

I would quickly become a member of the heating help forum and put
them up for sale there as they would go quickly here in the east as
they are too valuable to scrap and would be good tanks for return
water from heating loops.


I would also contact Dan Holohan who owns the Heating Help Forum and
mention that you have these bladder tanks and would rather sell them
than scrap them and tell Dan that I said hello.


If I had a three story apartment building with a tall basement with a
coal stoker boiler I would take them off your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would take out the bladders and weld in 3 inch return tapping's to feed the tanks
and then feed the sump of the coal stoker from the 4 tanks flanged bottom tapping's
of the tanks.
how much are you asking for a tank ?
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