Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah everyone first of all. I'm having an issue with my freestanding Accentra that I can't nail down. I've got an idea or two, but want to get your opinions before I have to call tomorrow.
The stove is about 12 years old. No parts replaced except for an igniter 4 years ago. It's been a bit off for about a week now. Turned it off before bed one night this week thinking it usually takes an hour to burn down and cool off, then shut off entirely. Got up in the morning, it was still going low, but the control was set solid to off.
That night, it started fine, a bit slow, but it lit on it's own. Now I get a nice rolling fire for a bit, then it just lets the fire burn down low. I'm getting an occasional flutter or vibration on what I think is the exhaust blower fan, it doesn't seem to be the distribution fan, but that's just my opinion. I cleaned it well 2 days ago to no change.
Then to top it off, today i'm home, house is quiet, stove is set dead off, and i hear it start feeding and stuttering the blowers. The whole board lit, gave a few seconds of work, and went out. That repeated a few times.
No error blinks or obvious issues to correct.
I'm thinking I should get a tech out to diagnose this. I'm preparing myself for at least a control board, possibly something in the blowers?
Anything I should check before I call the pros?
The stove is about 12 years old. No parts replaced except for an igniter 4 years ago. It's been a bit off for about a week now. Turned it off before bed one night this week thinking it usually takes an hour to burn down and cool off, then shut off entirely. Got up in the morning, it was still going low, but the control was set solid to off.
That night, it started fine, a bit slow, but it lit on it's own. Now I get a nice rolling fire for a bit, then it just lets the fire burn down low. I'm getting an occasional flutter or vibration on what I think is the exhaust blower fan, it doesn't seem to be the distribution fan, but that's just my opinion. I cleaned it well 2 days ago to no change.
Then to top it off, today i'm home, house is quiet, stove is set dead off, and i hear it start feeding and stuttering the blowers. The whole board lit, gave a few seconds of work, and went out. That repeated a few times.
No error blinks or obvious issues to correct.
I'm thinking I should get a tech out to diagnose this. I'm preparing myself for at least a control board, possibly something in the blowers?
Anything I should check before I call the pros?