So, here we are, mid September. Despite my end of season cleaning last year, I took a little time this weekend to re-clean the stove, remove the DampRid and get ready for the new season . . . my fourth with pellets. Dragged a few bags of Green Supremes home from Home Depot (burned every last bag I had last year) and got myself set up for cooler weather.
Don't you know the forties Sunday night and the stove kicks in smooth as silk....
Still love my stove and will never be without one! Looks like I will have to burn Green Supreme this year as our local HD does not have any Fireside Ultras and I want to get my 5 tons now. Oh well. To be honest, after an overnight burn the glass was much cleaner than I expected and I would rather get my pellets now than wonder if they will get what I want later.
Life is a trade off!
Don't you know the forties Sunday night and the stove kicks in smooth as silk....
Still love my stove and will never be without one! Looks like I will have to burn Green Supreme this year as our local HD does not have any Fireside Ultras and I want to get my 5 tons now. Oh well. To be honest, after an overnight burn the glass was much cleaner than I expected and I would rather get my pellets now than wonder if they will get what I want later.
Life is a trade off!