I don't get mice in my house, but instead they run up the outside walls and get in my tiny vented attic. It's impossible to seal - roughcut decking that's shrunk, open eaves (no fascia and soffit) and a steel roof with plenty of entry points. I leave 4 traps set all the time, and check them at least twice a week. Big pain in the neck especially during peaks in mouse population. I'm thinking of running a band of flashing at the rim joist level figuring that they won't be able to climb vertically past that point since they can't get past the flashing on the bird feeder post. Seems much less labor intensive than trying to seal every crack. I'll keep the traps set and hopefully reduce the frequency of trips up the ladder at each gable. I explain these brilliant schemes to my wife and she looks at me like I've lost my mind. Is it backwoods or backwards logic?