firefighterjake said:
Mmmmm . . . nothing better than cider in the Fall . . . as long as it isn't that pasteurized apple juice crap they label as cider . . . blah.
On second thought I take it back . . . there is something better than cider . . . hard cider.
You should try a good CYSER - apple cider based mead... I usually make at least one 5-7 gallon batch a year...
2-3 gallons apple cider, must NOT have sorbates in it, preferably not pasteurized, fresh from the orchard is best.
1 gallon or so of honey (preferably local, and minimally processed, not that overcooked grocery store crap!)
1 Tbl bee pollen
1 tsp propolis
1 tsp royal jelly
yeast nutrient
pectic enzyme
yeast - I have used champagne yeast, but that tends to make rocket fuel (18-20%+ ABV), Lalvin D-47 stops at a lower ABV level and is what I use now...
HOT water to make 5+ gallons
Mix all but yeast in primary fermenter, let cool to ~80F, pitch yeast, close fermenter w/ high flow capable fermentation lock. Keep fermenter at 60-70* temp.
When primary ferment ends / slows a lot (2-3 weeks) Rack to secondary add
more pectic enzyme
1-2 sticks cinnamon
1-2 whole nutmegs lightly crushed
10-15 whole cloves
Test SG and taste - if SG below 1.00 add more honey (unless you like really dry...)
Approx 1x month - 6 weeks, rack to fresh carboy - taste and test SG - if dryer than you like, add more honey. If not very clear, add more pectic enzyme, but only on 3rd racking
When taste is good, AND SG has been stable for at least one racking w/o adding honey, AND there is no visible sign of fermentation (usually 6-9 months for this brew) bottle and drink... (and it WILL get even better w/ more aging if you can stay out of it...)
As to the original question, I would think that it would be possible to make some sort of "pre-processor" chopper to feed the garbage grinder - also motorized, with one or two sets of coarse chopping blades and a chute that is long enough to discourage people from sticking their hands in, or some sort of safety lid interlock...
Another option might be some sort of variant on the old "vegematic" - a section of large diameter pvc pipe with a bunch of knife blades stuck through it at different angles... shove apples in the top, get chunks out the bottom... Maybe set it up with a pusher attached to a long lever? (Or for REAL over kill, repurpose your log splitter.... :bug: )