Ever since I moved from wood to pellets I have been concerned about winter power outages. I think you can live without most things in an outage but heat is a must. Borrowed a buddies Honda EU2000i last week during a wet snow outage here and with two extension cords we were running the stove and watching TV as the generator quietly purred outside the garage below my two sleeping toddlers. My wife was sold which gave me the green light to spend the $$$. Bought a six gallon extended run tank which is good for about 72 hours at full draw. I keep 4 five gallon gerry cans filled all the time so I’m not too worried about weathering a long outage. Would have liked a standby generator or at least a larger whole house unit but I opted for a simple turn key solution. Big $$$ generator + Transfer Switch + Electrician = Never Happens in my budget. The honda was a quick solution for under a grand. For those of you worried about a big north east ice storm I am sure it will never happen again now that I am prepared.