Need some input here. Stove fires up fine, runs like it should EXCEPT the room blower fan stays on high. I've been researching this and I don't find a lot on this problem. What I have seen is a possible bad pof switch. I called Breckwell and was told either it is the blower motor or the circuit board and that's it. I asked if it could be the pof switch but was told no. I did replace the blower motor last year with a after market fasco. What little I used it this fall it was working ok but at low speed the rpm would vary. Thinking the motor needed to be oiled I dropped a few drops (quite a few) of oil in the half moon opening near the upper rear of motor. Seems the problem I'm having with the fan speed occured after I did this. Any chance this is related to the issue? The stove is a p2700 about six or seven years old. Any thoughts out there before I invest in a new board???