combustion fan motor Big E

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You can go to to order parts. Breckwell uses a custom made motor so nothing off the shelf will just bolt on. Yes some will work but finding them is another chore.

Need some help finding a 3000 rpm motor for combustion fan for older Big " E " can any body help?

Hi Michael
My question is how much money do you want to save and how much work do you want to do?
Do you have a need for speed and want to blow out the competition!

The A082 combustion blower motor from CSH and other big motor wholesalers is the cheapest one that is 3000 RPM and will fit in with a little work. LOL

I have personally installed this motor in an Enviro EF-2i and a 6 y/o Breckwell Big E. You can make if fit and it will work fine!

All you have to do is cut your old shaft on your motor and remove the hub. Then take the A082 and remove the impellers and remove it from the housing it comes with. Then mount the A082 on your mounting plate. To do that you must ream out the mounting holes in the A082 motor with a Titanium Drill bit until the mounting hub bolts slips down on into the 3 mounting holes on the motor. You save atleast $50 by doing this work yourself!
See pics on doing that here

Now if you want more power then see my need for speed posting and get the hi power 2 speed Magnum exhaust blower that will burn any pellet to completion! This is a 1.5 Amp motor that will keep it's speed of 3,000 RPM under a load and not wimp out like those little 1.0 or 1.1 amp jobs. You know what I mean!
See pics on doing that in this post. (This gives 105 CFM but you can switch wires and run pure stock at the OEMs 85 CFM to be street legal) LOL

You can also go with the Breckwell motor as Eric from Kinsman said. That is a quick way out for $185 buckarus
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You could even go with a nice Enviro Combustion blower. I like them much better than Breckwell and they are also a direct fit.
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You what though
If you really want to go cheap and easy. Englander stove works exhaust blowers
These blowers are pretty darn good for the money! I have 2 on my shelf ready for action! LOL
PU-076002B Combustion Blower (6 lbs. each)
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