I have a Enviro Windsor Stove that seems to push more Convection air than I would like, the stove has variable speed convection and exhaust on settings 1-5, Convection voltage is 79V-85V-90V-97V-120V accordingly, you can also shut the convection fan off and it will kick on HIGH when the stove heats up enough so it acts like a radiate heater with all that cast iron around it, nice feature. I was wondering if I could put in a 120VAC 5amp variable speed fan controller in line to the convection blower to dial it down slightly, I realize it won't kick on full High 120V now when called for but the new setting, and that if on high the stove may shut down due to HIGH Limit switch tripped if i dial it down to much obviously, so I am aware of the safety issues concerning this, just curious if anyone has tried this on a pellet stove successfully. Also don't want to hurt the control board by messing with the line voltage going to the fan but don't see how that would hurt it.