Watch your cyber power backups... Have had one on my stove for about a year now and randomly it would kick on and the stove would briefly fire up.. I thought it was just a surge that was not effecting anything else in the house. But tonight it did it again and the stove has been off for weeks never had this issue when i had the power bar.. I figured since the stove was off for the season i would grab my small tower fan and hook it up and run down the battery. In about 20 seconds the time started counting down like a fast clock and then leveled out briefly at the 1/2 way mark. I then noticed the fan shut off well low and behold the cyberpower fried my tower fan must have taken out the circuit board as their was no burning smell of a fried motor. Sorta pissed you buy a product to protect your equipment and it damages them, Stove seems fine i plugged it into the wall and it powered up as normal. Tomorrow when its cooler ill fire it up and let it complete a startup and give it the year end cleaning