I called a dealer for info on the Eurozone Euromax. "yes we have one on the floor" I am going to put it in the basement and also heat the first floor. " Your realize pellet stoves are more used as space heaters? and do you know how big this stove is?" Yes I am aware of the heat out put. " this thing will burn 3 bags of pellets a day". Yes I know that is fine and do you have the plenum kit for it? "never heard of that" Yes they make a plenum so that it can be ducted to an upper level. " let me look in the catalog-pause- Wow never knew that it's $110". "why don't you just get a Harman P68?" Do you have a plenum kit for it? "Not that I know of" By the way we have heated our entire 1600ft first floor for the last 5yrs with a 40,000 BTU pellet stove. "wow that must have saved you some money". The good news is they stock the stove and I thought the price was very reasonable. What is strange is they do not stock the other 2 Eurozone stoves. My local dealer only stocks the Eurostar and it is one the most popular on the floor. Weird.