Dear santa

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Yeah... New case of boiler lust now. See that controller? That thing's very impressive. Apparently no US importer. Thanks.. Very cool.
Looks like a nice machine. I would be happy if it was under my tree on Christmas morning. BTW Santa, throw in the timber harvester too!
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I was sure one of these would be here by Christmas, but I was naughty last night -- the elves said "maybe next year, maybe."
If my boiler was that pretty I'd have to put it in the living room...
Good looking units. I like the auto start feature.

Hansson, you seen many of these in action?

I thought the auto start feature isn't legal (or code or something like that) in the US. I know the European version of the Froling has the auto start, but you can't get it here.

Meant to add, I think the way of looking at the secondary flame is very innovative.
The austrians make some amazing boilers.
Here is some more boiler porn from austria :)

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SolarFocus (Therminator)
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Yeah, I want it all. The burner, the storage, the wood processing machinery...and an Austrian girl to teach me to operate it. :rolleyes:
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Ich bin in der Liebe.
Fellow boilermen,
Looks alot like the Frohling except that the commercial they show has a guy lighting the fire and no auto light.
They sure missed a marketing opportunity on that one. Couldn't be happier with the Frohling I just installed. Spent a lot of money on the unit and my homemade storage, but I did not realize just a little more could have got me the austrian helper. I'll bet she can run the wood processor too!

all the best in the new year
So a Froling with more bells and whistles. :-)

I have to say I think I would really like the auto ignite feature. Not that I need it but being able to just load the thing and walk away is appealing. More so for my wife then me.

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