Hi everyone. I am new to this forum, and fairly new to wood stoves in general. I have lived in this house for 2 years and have a Fisher Grandpa bear stove with the 8-in hole in the back. Out of the hole in the rear is a reducer to 6 in that connects to a T with a cap on the bottom and then the pipe goes straight up out of the Second Story roof. Originally it did not have a T, but a 90° elbow. Last year I had a chimney fire, and I replaced the elbow with the T so that I can remove the cap on the bottom and run a chimney brush up for more frequent cleaning. My question is this stove never had a dampener installed in the stove pipe. I don't know if it's supposed to or not. I imagine it would make cleaning more difficult as I would have to take the pipe apart to clean it. I cannot get up on the roof to run the stove pipe down from the top especially not during the winter in Alaska. After reading some of the manuals for the stoves I think it may be too large of a stove for my cabin. It is approximately 950 to 1,000 ft and this stove is rated to heat up to 2000 square feet. I cannot leave the vents in the front open for very long before the fire starts getting out of control. In fact forgetting the vents were opened was what caused the chimney fire in conjunction with having burned a creosote sweeping log a day or two prior so that all the creosote that had come off collected in the elbow. Am I supposed to run the stove with events open for longer periods of time? Because now I am only really open them when I need to get the fire going again. But I have them closed the vast majority of the time. I would appreciate any advice and insight into my situation