EF2 burn pot question & smoke ?

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Aug 13, 2008
cortland ny
Ok, on my EF2, I have the burn pot liner that has one side higher than the other. Which way is this supposed to sit in the burn pot. The higher side under the pellet drop or the higher side on the door side? I ask because I get alot of unburnt pellets between the burn pot and the door. Its likethe pellets over shoot the burn pot or something. I have had the higher under the pellet shoot.

Question 2. If the stove runs out of pellets, the stove shuts down, IMO, way to soon. There is still burning pellets in there and smoke comes out of the stove. Any way the shut down be reprogrammed?
I believe the tall end goes towards the operator or stoves door. The igniter hole goes towards the back wall or chute area.

The dial a fires don't have programming, What causes it to shutdown is the POF switch or snap disc. Its normally turns on(closes) at 120::F and off(opens) at 110::F. I changed one for a friend to go on at 100::F and off at 90::F but it didn't help all that much. What hurts the dial a fire is they don't ramp the blowers up during shutdown so the pellets smolder for a longer period of time. This is one of the reasons we changed the controller to a digital board. Plus it added a stat to the stove at the same time. The digital boards turn the stove to high blower speed if the POF opens for about 10 minutes to help clear the stove.

Upgrade is pretty pricey, Around $500 plus clams. Either that or don't let it run out of fuel.
Hi Chrisasst- If you let the stove run out of pellets a lot- lower the POF switch 110/90 as j was saying. I think you're finding it to shut down soon after running out of pellets- it really doesn't. I think what is happening is as it is running out of pellets less and less is being fed into the burnpot, and the exhaust path is already cooling prior to running completely out and going into shutdown. The exhaust blower runs at a constant speed on the dial a fire units too, but a dirty exh blower could push less air through... oh yes the tall edge of the burn pot liner goes away from the shoot, assume you have a non-ignitor EF2?? If it is self lighting, then obviously ignitor hole goes inward.. Anyway, normally if you secure dial a fire (turn it off), shutdown is not smoky because full flame and exh temp was being maintained, and normally takes about 15-20 mins to cool and shut off (toggle switch in auto is assumed here) but have seen smoky shutdown if pellets run out due to slowly letting fire die out and exh path cooling. I have essentially same unit as you in operation. Good luck great stoves these Enviros.

Enviro EF3 FS pellet
Enviro Empress FPI AC pellet
Enviro Kodiak 1700 FS wood
One side of the liner flares out at 45*, that side goes toward the rear, helps guide the pellets coming down the chute into the liner.

Where are you guys getting the lower deg. POF switches?
Hi Chris yep thats correct. You can order a POF sw from your local Enviro dealer, most stores will take care of those,or maybe online.

Hello Chamas sorry replied to wrong member!! But info is the same...

I haven't been able to find the Enviro 110::F snap disc. So I have been using this one.

(broken link removed to http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pellet-Stove-Thermodisc-Snap-Switch-Limit-Switch-Snap-Disc-110F-Ceramic-36T22-/190659056718)
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