What would be the most efficient set up for a heat storage tank(s) if I plan to use a wood boiler and solar heat? I would think the best solution would be to put the tanks in series and operate them as a cascade. The returning cold water would pass through the solar tank first then the wood boilers tank. Solar would tend to operate more efficiently at lower temperatures so I would think having a seperate tank from the wood boiler would be best?
Current thoughts on tank sizes would be 250 gallon tank for 160 ft/sq solar and 1300 gallon for EKO 40. Do these tank sizes sound about right?
Also during the summer months I plan on using the wood boilers tank for irrigation (solar alone should provide ample heat for DHW so I don't need the boilers tank), rain water from the roof will be directed to the tank and a sprinkler pump will be used to pump out the tank. Can anyone think of any issues I may have by filling and draining the tank on a daily basis?
Current thoughts on tank sizes would be 250 gallon tank for 160 ft/sq solar and 1300 gallon for EKO 40. Do these tank sizes sound about right?
Also during the summer months I plan on using the wood boilers tank for irrigation (solar alone should provide ample heat for DHW so I don't need the boilers tank), rain water from the roof will be directed to the tank and a sprinkler pump will be used to pump out the tank. Can anyone think of any issues I may have by filling and draining the tank on a daily basis?