Hey guys i'm new to this and i don't know where to start. hello to everyone on here!! i'm having problems with my stove. it does not to seem to work like when i first picked it up. (october 2014) i feel like the settings on this doesn't matter, only that it makes more noise then anything! the heat thats coming out is half warm and half luke warm, left side being warmer than the right. my settings are at factory settings 6-4-1 and i haven't changed it. I do have the extension on the hopper and closed the plate to an 1 1/2 which what i was told to. I use Geneva pellets and the lowes brand stuff and honestly i don't see a difference. someone please help my house doesn't get passed 70 degrees downstairs where the pellet stove is and upstairs 64, its 50 degrees outside today and still it hasn't passed that temp. it keeps making a ticking sound like its trying to get warmer but it wont. the fire burns great no black glass and a good fire. if someone could help me that would be awesome i would post my number so someone could call but i dont know if ill get in trouble by the forum