THe stove is designed to be able to exhaust everything out WITHOUT a mod. You have to be careful here cause your stove's controls aren't digital. The low limit disc is a F140-20 switch, meaning the stove put itself in to "run" mode when the low limit disc reached and passes 140
. It will close when the temp falls 20
below 140
. Your stove also has an igniter. The igniter also has a switch to control it. It is a limit switch which is L120-10. At start up the ingiter is ON cause the igniter limit switch is normally closed. At 120
the switch opens and shuts off power to it. At 140
the stove is running. At shut down, whether you initiate it or the stove runs out of pellets, When the low limit switch opens at 120
power is cut to the the stove continues to cool at 110
the igniter switch closes again but because the stove if OFF the ingiter isn't powered.
Adjusting the low limit or replacing it could put your stove in a situation where the igniter is ON as the stove is trying to shut down...which could re-ignite it OR cause the low limit to stay closed from the heat of the igniter.
Now, your low limit switch might be closing prematurely...that could lead to your problems too, but so could the lack of cleaning.