recently i've seen it mentioned that fsu's are softies . ok well i just went out to my shed and opened a bag (please remind me to tape it back up ) from this year . i'm assuming this because my local hd ran out back in sept and all they had were hearthsides . then restocked .
these look and feel like hardwood , don't look or smell like softwoods and the only thing on the bag that says anything is that they are made from wood .
i remember reading a rumor that energex was going to be releasing a softy , then all of a sudden people start claiming that they've found the holy grail of box store pellets . they burn ok in my stove but nothing to right home about .
so how did fsu's all of a sudden become softwood ?
these look and feel like hardwood , don't look or smell like softwoods and the only thing on the bag that says anything is that they are made from wood .
i remember reading a rumor that energex was going to be releasing a softy , then all of a sudden people start claiming that they've found the holy grail of box store pellets . they burn ok in my stove but nothing to right home about .
so how did fsu's all of a sudden become softwood ?