Flush mount monitoring panel

  • Thread starter Thread starter mikefrommaine
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Figure you guys would appreciate this. Cant get my wife to come downstairs to admire my handiwork!

Sorry for the poor quality pic, ipad doesnt do well in low light


  • [Hearth.com] Flush mount monitoring panel
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So you've got the boiler on the ceiling. I was wondering what was keeping that torch in place then it came to me --- magnets!
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I was so giddy with my wise ass remarks I forgot to congratulate you on a nice job.
Beautiful job. What does each gauge monitor?


I see you are finally putting those tanks to use. I assume that's what you're set up to watch. I love mine..
Beautiful job. What does each gauge monitor?


Nothing yet, still have a bunch of soldering to do to extend the leads. But I will have probes all over the system. Six for the tanks, Boiler supply and return, all sides of the two diverting valves, house supply and return headers etc. I'll be able to see what's going on without walking around feeling the pipes to see how warm they are.
I see you are finally putting those tanks to use. I assume that's what you're set up to watch. I love mine..
Yeah the storage was why I finally did the panel. Don't have the tanks hooked up yet. I have run the lines into the boiler room and have the tanks filled and holding 60 psi. Still another week or two before I make the final hookup.
Yeah the storage was why I finally did the panel. Don't have the tanks hooked up yet. I have run the lines into the boiler room and have the tanks filled and holding 60 psi. Still another week or two before I make the final hookup.

Was cleaning them bad? Mine seemed to stink FOREVER, and I had a lot of rust flakes. Yours had been used.. so probably not the corrosion inside.
Not too bad filled them and added a gallon of simple green to each. I then hooked a circulator up and circulated between the tanks for a couple days. Followed by a couple rinses.
Nice job Mike! I love the panel. Really nice work. But that pic. I have to see it rightside up man! Click edit, then...............

[Hearth.com] Flush mount monitoring panel
Nice work. Give us the low down on what you used I have seen other post with these temp gauges and I think this is my next project.

Like others I used the sure electronic temperature Panel meters. Here is a current eBay listing

(broken link removed to http://www.ebay.com/itm/Digital-LED-Thermometer-Temperature-Auto-Car-Meter-C-F-/230854309893?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35bffd3805)

My biggest problem was finding the right box that could fit all the meters that wasn't too big that I would bump into it. I settled on a structured media panel. I cut out the slots with a dremel tool, took a while since the box is metal. The box has a cut out for an outlet in the bottom right so the bottom row can only have two meters. Had to paint the cover grey to look right to me.


For power I used an old wall wart. Just make sure it outputs do voltage I found some in my junk drawer that output 24 vac.

There are some media panels that are hinged which would make the wiring easier. Couldn't find one locally though.
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