Looking for some comment on this subject. I looked at a ecoburn last year but not yet a garn. My heating needs are 1500 sq ft of in slab bsmt radiant, 1200 sq ft of garage in slab radiant, DMHW, and I was hoping to put a exchanger in for forced air if needed. I have 2" foam under bsmt slab and 1" in garage. Garage is insulated. My house is 1500 sqft ranch built in 2008 and is heated with a 55,000 btu lp forced air furnace now. I built a 14' x 28' addition to my attached garage for boiler, tractor, and some wood storage. My concern with the garn jr. is that it's a open system and will need water treatments. I don't know if this is a big deal or not. I was also wondering what clearance is needed around the boiler. I would really like to talk to some people that have a garn. I want to spend the money for a good, long lasting system. I think the ecoburn with storage and chimney install will actually cost more than the Garn. Thanks