my heatilator direct vent gas firelace (model GNDC 36 e) is 19 years old.
it lights, but after 2 seconds shutsdown. then a red blinking light on the Robert shaw ds845 appers untill you turn off the wall switch. i tried by-passing the wall switch, and i still have the same issue. i cleaned the flame sensor with some sandpaper. I checked the grounds, sanded down the area inside the stove where the white wire connects. to no avail. i bypassed the high limit swith...still shuts down.
any ideas. im thinking flame sensor or ds845. the flame sensor is positioned so that its right in the flames when the fire is lit..
about 2 months ago, it wouldnt ignite at all, i replaced the transformer for the second time
my heatilator direct vent gas firelace (model GNDC 36 e) is 19 years old.
it lights, but after 2 seconds shutsdown. then a red blinking light on the Robert shaw ds845 appers untill you turn off the wall switch. i tried by-passing the wall switch, and i still have the same issue. i cleaned the flame sensor with some sandpaper. I checked the grounds, sanded down the area inside the stove where the white wire connects. to no avail. i bypassed the high limit swith...still shuts down.
any ideas. im thinking flame sensor or ds845. the flame sensor is positioned so that its right in the flames when the fire is lit..
about 2 months ago, it wouldnt ignite at all, i replaced the transformer for the second time