Hey guys, ...so I just recently purchased a new Insert. Curious if I must buy the Harman outside air assembly for 150 bucks or if I could just run the 3" flex right to the intake hole with a hose clamp? The only benefit I see with the assembly is not having to unhook the flex every time I want to pull it out. Also, I will be running 4" flex up the chimney for the exhuast and I have to run the OAK up it as well and need some ideas how to terminate the end on the OAK because they will both be at the same level and in the same flu. Only idea I have right now is terminating the end in the chimney and then cutting a hole in the chimney cap and putting a piece of flex from it bent over and aimed down in the other flu for fresh air and away from the exhuast. Any help I would appreciate it.