Hi all. Looking for some help trying to figure out an issue I seem to be having with my advance. What would cause a reduced feed on my stove. On start up I don't seem to be getting the amount of pellets in the pot that I used to. The pot would normally fill with pellets and I would have s roaring fire on start up till the start up sequence ran its course and the stove would level off with a nice even burn from there on. Now on start up the pot only gets about 1/4 of the amount of pellets it used to so not much of a fire now on start up and low flame from that point on. My stove has always been on feed 4 and its now on 6 to get a decent fire. This is s basement stove with Selkirk direct temp. Stove is super clean. Vent recently cleaned. Innards all removed and then hit if with LBT. I've also tried many different pellets with no change. I have a p68 on 1st floor and that runs flawlessly