Congrats on your Nu-2-Yu Harman.
I picked up 3 "new to me" Harman P61a and sold one to pay for the other 2! Anyway, I have then both downstairs and with a combo of 120 BTUs they should heat well in this 2 level split.
My question is what type of house do you have and where is the location of the stove? Location is very important!
We have many options on controlling these babes.
Stove Control
1. Stove Temp mode - a good option especially for those cold winter days when it should be on all day.
2. Room Temp mode - good for the fall and spring when you want the stove to shut down on mild days where no heat is needed.
Remote Control
3. Wired T-Stat - Such as Lux 1500u from Lowes with the "Swing = 2" which is made for pellet stoves.
4. Wireless Skytech T-Stat such as the Sky-1001TH-A -- you can move to any location for more comfort.
5. WiFi T-Stat such as an Ecobee Smart-Stat such as EB-Stat-02 for Smart Phone control anywhere!
In options 3-5 the T-Stat must be connected to one leg of the room probe and the stove must be set on room temp mode on a setting higher than what your t-stat is set. Example set Harman control to 95 Deg F and then your T-Stat will control the temp when setting it to 70 or 75 Deg F for example.
I have not completely decided which way I am going but may try a few of the above options.
The Harman Stove controls work well and many people use them. There are also some members here who do use a T-Stat and feel they save even more pellets when using the programmable Set Back feature by turning the temp down at night.
So let's try some and compare notes?
Also we like to see some pics of your stove install?