Hey all, new here....I have a relatively new Harman P61A that ran fine the last two winters. I did a thorough cleaning of it yesterday, and went to fire it up for the first time this season, and I get the 4 blink code for the room temperature sensor. I had a thermostat wired to break the room temp sensor, so I removed that just to rule out a thermostat issue, and reconnected the room sensor wires. I still get the 4 blink code. I also have a new spare room sensor that does not have a wire cut to go through the thermostat. It does the same 4 blink status with the new intact sensor. I checked the connections in the back where the sensor passes through the back of the stove. I also checked the connections inside the stove from the passthrough to the control circuit board. They all look intact and healthy. I removed and reconnected both the room sensor and the red ESP wires just to be sure I was thorough. I'm not sure why I'm still getting the 4 blinks with two different sensors and everything definitely connected. Is there another sensor like the ESP that could cause the 4 blinks as well? I though the ESP was 3 blinks, right? Any help is appreciated....