HD pellets out front now.

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Minister of Fire
Last week Here outside Phila Home depot brought in truckload of Stove chows... 259.00 ton.
exspected to be somewhat cheaper after last years fiasco of having to 199.00 them to clear them out.
Not worth the price but Cudos to those that got them at last years fire sale of 199.00
Looks like an interesting start to the season for the big box stores. Here in south east mass we have lowes at $350 for green team and $279 for supremes and still river. Tractor supply has rebagged Maine woods at $269. Home Depot bests em all with fire sides at $229. I scored 7 ton off Craigslist early in the season for ballpark $750 so no hunting for me this year. Turmans,blazers,platinums,somer sets,spruce point and 2 ton of thermaglows. It's been a good off season. Ashamed to say I havnt touched the stove though.
I haven't even seen them up this way yet (at the BBS). And I've been to both of them over the weekend. It is interesting how you guys down south get them out earlier than in the Northeast. If I remember correctly, I noticed that last year too. Course you guys get so warm during the summer, that maybe you start burning when it is only 75* out ==c
I was in Somerset Ma a week ago today and fire sides were $229. I've seen pellets outside other depots but didn't get close enough to see price
TSC by me has their brand pellets for $229. Haven't been checking prices much! Too hot! The prices in this area never went down late winter/early spring like other areas. Don't know why. My local guy, Farmers Exchange, was still @ $265 early spring. Same in June also.
Somehow the quote thing isn't working for me (it's adding them to a multi-quote, but doesn't show it?). Anyway, when my cats start talking, I'm sure it will be "bring on the pellets", not anything about them taking up too much room >>
Just saw Home Depot in North Haven, CT has Stove Chows. Maybe 18 tons out front. No price yet, but the website indicates $259/ton.
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HD in Johnston RI has tons of Green Supreme priced at $259
Oil is significantly cheaper than a year ago. These are wholesale prices coming into New Haven harbor.

As much as I hate burning oil my tank is topped off with $1.39 heating oil from last Feb.

Lowes/Home Depot have them out around here for $259 a ton... If you heat with oil do the math...

[Hearth.com] HD pellets out front now.
It's almost a lock that most pellet vendors will start their price points the same as last year, hoping against hope that the winter will be colder and oil and gas prices will rise. If you were a stockbroker looking to invest in this, you would be selling short.
Have been to two more HD's in my area this weekend, and still no sign of pellets. Well, that isn't entirely true, the one in Keene had a cart of FSU's that had a "returned" sign on it.
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