I'm almost through plumbing my Tarm Solo 40 boiler (ha, I could be saying that two weeks from now too!) and I've already put a Grundfos 15-58 pump on the boiler (pumping into the boiler, per the tarm instructions). My boiler loop is completely plumbed (I'm starting out with no water storage in my system), except I still need to splice in the expansion tank and make-up-water line and I'm debating on where to put it. Everything I've read says to pump away from the expansion tank, but that's not necessarily how the Tarm instructions show to do it. I'm leaning toward putting the expansion tank on the return line to the boiler, so the only thing between the expansion tank and the pump intake will be the Thermovar mixing valve. I suspect that mixing (tempering) valve has as much resistance as the boiler and my primary loop piping. I can find the Cv for the mixing valve (but those pesky unions that attach it are so restrictive, that I wonder if the Cv number from the mfgr. is valid for the Thermovar). What I'd like to know but can't find out is... how much head loss does the Tarm boiler itself represent at 14gpm? Seems like a simple enough question, but the tech I talked to today could not give me a number. Does anyone have even a rough SWAG? Seems like this would be a very handy number to have.
Thanks in advance for any guesses or real numbers!
Thanks in advance for any guesses or real numbers!