This sent me off of the forum for several hours. While I was reading the threads tonite all of a sudden my stove started to make that squealing noise that someone had posted about not to long ago and it sounded like bearings..... It was coming from the auger area.... Since I have my feed motor protected by a clutch now I could here the detents popping in and out (protecting my motor) Starting to get baffled I disconnected the chain and found that I couldn't turn the auger by hand.......... So I decided to scoop out the hopper of pellets and back into the partial bag that I had nearby... As I got further down in the hopper I noticed a TREMENDOUS amount of fines and some swollen pellets..... One can usually tell when a bad bag is going into the hopper but somehow this one eluded me...... It took about an hour to run out the auger and put a shop vac blowing through the feed throat to blow out the dust inside the auger that was helping to hold back the pellets from being pushed forward into the burnpot. After this the Auger spun free I put a fresh bag of pellets problem solved...... Just wondering if this could have been the cause of my feed motors failing in the past?
Harry have you ever seen this?
Anyone ever seen this, or had a similar situation?
Just wondering :smirk:
Harry have you ever seen this?
Anyone ever seen this, or had a similar situation?
Just wondering :smirk: