Horsetail woes...

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Lake Girl

Nov 12, 2011
NW Ontario
The flower garden I set up last year is growing a lovely crop of horsetail weeds. Spent the day turning over and chasing root systems to the point of pain in my wrist and a blistered palm. Got the vast bulk of them gone ... for now. Hoping that the root systems removed will allow me to stay on top of regrowth.

Any other ideas on how to get rid of them? Apparently they are pretty tough plants as they were the first to regenerate after the Mt. St. Helen eruption.

Found this bit which just depressed me as it means they're never going away:mad:
"How old is it?So old that much of the coal we burn today was once horsetail."
(broken link removed to

Between the horsetails and the tansy, I don't have a chance...
Try spraying straight vinegar on them.
Was thinking about that as I had seen it mentioned. Pickling vinegar in the cupboard (higher acetic acid) but figured flowers won't appreciate any overspray:(
Create a shield out of posterboard or cardboard.
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Horsetail often lives in wetlands. Is your area wet? If so, building up the soil so it's drier may help.
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