Last November I installed a Tarm OT-50 in my house and so far so good. All winter I have burned roughly 5 1/2 cords of wood and about 1/2 ton of coal. I am very pleased with how well the boiler performed. I had no problem keeping my house at 75 on nights when it was -10F outside. Currently I have no thermal storage because I could not afford it with the cost of the original install. That will be coming in a year or two. For now I am stuck burning solid fuel from November to March, and then running oil the rest of the year. Right now it is at the point where I am running on oil as it is too warm to burn solid fuel. I find that if it gets to between 25 and 30 outside I can not burn without getting a lot of creosote buildup.
According to the manual my boiler is only 70% efficient on oil. My old boiler, A weil mclain was supposedly 85% efficient. To help with efficiency I had a Superstor installed with the boiler so I would get more consistent hot water from the wood and better efficiency from the oil. Is there anything more I can do to increase the efficiency of the the oil side of my boiler?
According to the manual my boiler is only 70% efficient on oil. My old boiler, A weil mclain was supposedly 85% efficient. To help with efficiency I had a Superstor installed with the boiler so I would get more consistent hot water from the wood and better efficiency from the oil. Is there anything more I can do to increase the efficiency of the the oil side of my boiler?