Is this grate a fisher item?

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Oct 11, 2015
Is this wrought iron grate a fisher item or just some fireplace accessory piece that someone put in my stove? Thanks for any input?
[] Is this grate a fisher item?
No. Remove it. Always burn on at least an inch of ash to prevent too much air from getting under the wood.
That is for open burning in a fireplace where you need plenty of air through the fire to keep it hot enough to heat a much larger flue (and not the house).

You want the logs to burn down overnight to a glowing coal pile. It will burn down to finer ash at the front where the air comes in. Toward the back you will find charcoal and glowing embers. By removing a little ash each morning from the front, you then rake the coals and charcoal ahead with a little ash. Then build your new fire on it. You should have enough coals for it to take right off. This prevents the need for letting the fire die to remove ash.
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