Monday dawned clear and cold around here, and a friend came over to help us.
We went to the nut plant and filled the dumpster for the last fill of the season.
Got a full load at 2600 pounds too.
This will see us through the winter and into next season.
The dumpster works ok but there is still room to improve the process some.
I have to get help unloading the thing and this is an issue.
Since my stroke, what was once a one person task is now a family affair.
This summer, I want to try and get this thing steamlined a bit more and hopefully better organized.
I would like to be able to do a one day shot and have it done for the season, instead of three hauls, of which two are in whats usually lousy weather.
Ahhh well, things are doing ok and the two Whits have been getting a good workout the past weeks.
The past 2 weeks have been two stove nights and one stove days.
Had another nasty flue fire in the little whit a while back due to low burn and accumulating combustibles.
Set out to make changes to stop this.
I bumped the fuel feed trimmer pot a tad to feed a bit longer and keep the fire a bit hotter.
This dried the vent right up and all is well.
I also bumped the combustion/room air fan combo a tad also to keep a bit more air going through the pot as well.
The tiny little Whit has a room air fan that has a shunt tube feeding the fire pot and the heat level setting regulates the fan speed.
Our large Whit has a much higher vent temp and does not suffer from a sooty vent.
All is well
We went to the nut plant and filled the dumpster for the last fill of the season.
Got a full load at 2600 pounds too.
This will see us through the winter and into next season.
The dumpster works ok but there is still room to improve the process some.
I have to get help unloading the thing and this is an issue.
Since my stroke, what was once a one person task is now a family affair.
This summer, I want to try and get this thing steamlined a bit more and hopefully better organized.
I would like to be able to do a one day shot and have it done for the season, instead of three hauls, of which two are in whats usually lousy weather.
Ahhh well, things are doing ok and the two Whits have been getting a good workout the past weeks.
The past 2 weeks have been two stove nights and one stove days.
Had another nasty flue fire in the little whit a while back due to low burn and accumulating combustibles.
Set out to make changes to stop this.
I bumped the fuel feed trimmer pot a tad to feed a bit longer and keep the fire a bit hotter.
This dried the vent right up and all is well.
I also bumped the combustion/room air fan combo a tad also to keep a bit more air going through the pot as well.
The tiny little Whit has a room air fan that has a shunt tube feeding the fire pot and the heat level setting regulates the fan speed.
Our large Whit has a much higher vent temp and does not suffer from a sooty vent.
All is well