Looking to add a thermostat....

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Mar 19, 2012
Bullville, NY
to my Englander 25PDVC and was wondering where is the best place to buy one?
Thanks Imac.....I'll be "proceeding to checkout" in a mere minute ;)
Make sure you get a thermo with a large "swing". The above lux does.. most crappy cheap thermos do not. Need 5 degrees at least for a pellet stove imho.
Make sure you get a thermo with a large "swing". The above lux does.. most crappy cheap thermos do not. Need 5 degrees at least for a pellet stove imho.
5 DEGREE SWING???????????? No way in hell would my wife tolerate a 10 degree change in temperature every hour!!! Actually if you let the temp drop that far, it will continue to fall several more degrees before the stove stops the fall in temp. IMHO that is WAY to much swing.
And this 'crappy cheap thermo' has a good swing adjustment. > (broken link removed to http://www.homedepot.com/Building-Materials-Heating-Venting-Cooling-Thermostats-Programmable/h_d1/N-5yc1vZbay9/R-100625708/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051#.UMStVoPs6KJ)
It's been working just fine for 3 years.
I wouldn't worry to much about the swing setting with a PDVC since it only does high/low your only cycling the feed rate and combustion blower speed, not cycling on and off and shortening the igniter life and such.
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5 DEGREE SWING???????????? No way in hell would my wife tolerate a 10 degree change in temperature every hour.....
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought each "swing number" was equal to .5 of temp. A swing of 5 is actually only 2.5 degrees.
He said 5 degrees.

The Ritetemp gives the swing in actual numbers so there's no confusion.
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