Lyme Disease ... ticks are already out here

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Lake Girl

Nov 12, 2011
NW Ontario
Came across this info on Lyme's disease due to the Suck a Lime challenge issued to Justin Trudeau, prime minister. Elizabeth May also had a private members bill passed on strategic planning prevention, treatment & awareness.

The sad part is that our system has not learned from the US doctors...
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I don't venture into the woods that much and will be keeping my eyes open when I do. I have friends who have been diagnosed with Lyme disease and it really impacted their lives....

The Blacklegged tick that transmits the Lyme bacterium can be very small.

[] Lyme Disease ... ticks are already out here
With the mild winter in Indiana Ticks came early and seem to be numerous.
Permethrin. Hang clothes outside and spray with permethrin. Let dry.

I have dedicated clothes with permethrin on them that I wear in the woods. I have watched dog ticks jump off of those pants. No problem anymore. Did a pair of boots too.
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i got it big here in mass. i have 2 cats they go out then back in and bring them into the house on them. even if i check them and don't find anything we find them in the house walking across the floor on chairs in bed it's awful. just got a bag of bug be gone and i hated to do it. i didn't want the ticks in my house anymore so i have to drop chemical. the dam chemical we put on the cats back once a month helps them but instead of biting them they hitch a ride til they are in the house and fall off or crawl off. this is the worst year yet.
the smaller the bugs are the meaner they get
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