I have a magnum 7500 that I am struggling with getting to burn well. I am trying to heat a house that I am remodeling, with very little insulation, so I could understand if it doesn't heat it 70, but it barely makes a difference. The poblem is, the fire is too small, and it looks like there is too much draft... if that is possible? The fuel level in the pot is way too low and the fire is not big enough. It is very "active" and I think that is why the pot is so low. It is almost like a blow torch. This is with the draft closed all the way. I have tried all postions, and while they do change the flame, they are all too much.
I found out tonight that if I open the ash cleanout slides a couple inches, that the pot will build back up to a nice level after 10 min or so, and the flame will mellow out a little. Obviously I can't leave it like that if I am not sitting there watching it, but I don't know what to do to get it to burn like that with the slides closed. I do hear quite a sucking/hissing sound around those slides when closed. Wouldn't a leak cause a lazy fire? There are not supposed to be seals around those anyways.. to the best of my knowledge.
I haven't experienced anythng like this with my other american harvest stoves, but I know that the fire does not look like it is supposed to.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the draft choked back down? Or maybe I am way off and it is something else? Any info is appreciated.
I have a magnum 7500 that I am struggling with getting to burn well. I am trying to heat a house that I am remodeling, with very little insulation, so I could understand if it doesn't heat it 70, but it barely makes a difference. The poblem is, the fire is too small, and it looks like there is too much draft... if that is possible? The fuel level in the pot is way too low and the fire is not big enough. It is very "active" and I think that is why the pot is so low. It is almost like a blow torch. This is with the draft closed all the way. I have tried all postions, and while they do change the flame, they are all too much.
I found out tonight that if I open the ash cleanout slides a couple inches, that the pot will build back up to a nice level after 10 min or so, and the flame will mellow out a little. Obviously I can't leave it like that if I am not sitting there watching it, but I don't know what to do to get it to burn like that with the slides closed. I do hear quite a sucking/hissing sound around those slides when closed. Wouldn't a leak cause a lazy fire? There are not supposed to be seals around those anyways.. to the best of my knowledge.
I haven't experienced anythng like this with my other american harvest stoves, but I know that the fire does not look like it is supposed to.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to get the draft choked back down? Or maybe I am way off and it is something else? Any info is appreciated.