might have asked before but

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Feeling the Heat
Hearth Supporter
Sep 23, 2008
got plenty of thick thatch in this over 2 acres of pergatory grass and weeds. so much rain. Hubby thinks a Landscape rake might pull up thatch that is so thick. the grass catcher is clogging... so he took that back off.
are yall getting all this rain too? Wish the garden would grow as well as the the grass and weeds
only got the Husq Garden garden tractor 54 inch cut and a sleeve hitch.
anyone use such.?
its no longer on the Husquavarna site. but it is on the Fab- Agri site. and the TSC site for $299..the Landscape Rake that is. No reviews posted on TSC site to read.
course DONT...dont have a nice 3 pt tractor like a JD
anyone??? tried mytractor forum...but post and threads old and links not available. No one commented on tractor forum so far....
thanks yall
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