Hello, this is my first post after being directed here by some members from garage journal. I am trying to find information about Monarch Add-A-Furnaces, as i have one in my garage. My garage and house belonged to my grandparents prior to my purchase and i believe the monarch was installed in the late 80's or early 90's, by grandpa. However i do not know it's history or exact age. Dad believes grandpa had purchased the unit from an old hardware store that was shutting down years ago, and that it was new "old stock" at the time. Neither of us remember him using it, but it does show signs of use. I know nothing about it, but would like to use it occasionally to take the chill out of the garage (Atleast until i buy something different when my budget allows). Any help or opinions on how to operate, clean, and maintain it is appreciate. I will try to add pictures in my next post (still trying to figure out this page from my phone).
Kind regards
Kind regards