I have a new control panel on my St. Croix EXP which isn't even a year old I mean the control panel, the stove is a 2007 and I think its already giving me problems. I'm ready to chit can this stove and get a new one and it wont be a St Croix. Already this year the stove is killing me. Start it up fuse blows. O.k. I determined it was the ignitor I used the gel until the new one came in the stove was fine. By the way I should mention I took the old fuse from my old control panel to put in the new control panel , they should be the same it fit. New ignitor came in , I put it in pretty simple and she fired up ran fine. Next night go to turn the stove on and I get a bunch of flashing lights and this shorting noise and it wont start , no indicator lights flashing mind you just dead. I unplug it let it rest all day try it later press the on off several times before it starts finally it does seems fine shuts down four hours later no lights flashing no#2 #3 nothing its dead and the fuse isn't blown. If it is the control panel is there a way to test them and can they be fixed? Or am I going to have to pay another 250 for another one or just buy a Harmon like I wanted to in the first place Any ideas whats going on now?