When filling out taxes this year I ended up with the Fed owing me money. It been years since I have not owed but I had an unusual tax year (two federal EV credits). Starting this year instead of getting a check there is an open to buy I bonds. I elected to get paid with I Bonds. I bonds are savings bonds whose interest rate is tied to inflation. Right now they are paying 7.12%. Every 6 months the rate changes. I was thinking I would just get a book entry account, but a bunch of envelopes showed up in the mail with real live paper I bonds. I got a bunch of Helen Kellers ($50), a couple Chief Joseph's ($200) and an Eistein ($1000). At first glance I thought the Helen Kellers were a Hillary Clinton https://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/research/indepth/ibonds/res_ibonds_ibondslooklike.htm
I thought the treasury had phased out the actual paper bonds as if they are bought direct, I think the only option is by book entry. They are not bearer bonds, only I can cash them as they have my name and info on them.
Still, something I have never seen before.
I thought the treasury had phased out the actual paper bonds as if they are bought direct, I think the only option is by book entry. They are not bearer bonds, only I can cash them as they have my name and info on them.
Still, something I have never seen before.