Not to deviate too much from the topic at hand, I will say the derogatory remarks I've made towards NEWP in the past couple years were always, IIRC, in reference to the ash content. I don't recall ever having said anything bad about the BTUs. I'm talking Jaffrey plant stuff. Seems, quite often, the NY offerings get the complaints regarding heat.
I think the fact people join this forum says a lot about their interest in pellet stoves, but does the number of "pellet heads" here come remotely close to the number of pellet burners out there? Of course not. IMO, the "reviews" on a given pellet, while subjective, are probably quite accurate, and are written by people who are likely more particular than the average Joe. I don't think the fact NEWP is the largest producer of pellets in the NE because they make the best pellet. Steve Walker is clearly a very smart fellow and has the capital to continue to expand his business and offer a product that is both affordable and very easily accessible to a LOT of people, most of them "average Joe" pellet burners, who are happy to have a product that keeps their home warm without being overly concerned with how they burn.
On a side note, I'm frozen to the core right now. Guess I should've picked a less windy and cold day to snowblow my yard and change the oil in my truck. I was just rudely reminded that I can control precisely the direction the wind is blowing with the discharge lever on my machine